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Customer Case Study: Integrations Transform a Vacation Rental Business
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onJacqueline Wilson, owner of Biloxi Beach Resort Rentals, is helping to build a new image for her community. Years ago, this area along the Mississippi Gulf Coast relied mostly on the fishing industry to fuel its mediocre economy. “When people think of Mississippi, they think of hillbillies and pickup trucks and no shoes! And that’s not us,” asserts Wilson. Today, with the help of vacation rental businesses like Wilson’s, big casinos and the country’s largest man-made beach, Biloxi has been transformed into a tourist destination for travelers seeking everything from gambling to biking to beach fun.
Having been in the vacation rental business for over a decade, Wilson has seen another transformation in her industry thanks to the emergence of proptech and its many benefits. Read More

6 Ways Our Latest Integration Helps Property Managers Work Smarter
As RemoteLock CEO Nolan Mondrow pointed out in a Q&A, the name of the game today in business software is interoperability. Property managers are quickly realizing the benefits of a complete access control solution based on open architecture. These systems smoothly integrate with other essential business software to build one powerful platform. That’s why [...]